Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Sarah's twin birth story

Every birth story is unique, and Sarah's twin story is no different. Her approach was calm and relaxed, and the result was incredibly positive. Congratulations to a wonderful couple on their birth of their beautiful babies! 

Here's their story:

had been getting some back pains Monday which slowly worsened over Tuesday and Wednesday, but I managed them with the magic carpet mp3, and tried swimming and walking to see if that'd help. However, by Thursday my back was becoming very uncomfortable. I had read about 'back labour' and called the maternity unit who advised I come in. However after monitoring the babies and checking my back they told me it was all fine and just a side effect of late pregnancy (couldn't believe how rapidly my body was deteriorating on me!). They sent me home, but since I was at hospital anyway I decided to see if A&E could prescribe anything. Brendon arrived at that point and we were given paracetamol and codiene and told it's normal to get back pains, although this seemed quite intense. 

We managed to get a bit of sleep, and Brendon decided to work from home on Friday. I had an extremely long bath which seemed to help, but then it really kicked in again and I was certain it must be kidney stones. Went to GP and they weren't sure but gave some antibiotics and said most people find they kick in after the first day. Was in loads of discomfort by the time we got home, thinking how I had no idea that UTIs could be so uncomfortable and sat in the bath again, but it really wasn't helping. Anyway, long story short we went back to maternity to find that I was fully dilated and it looked like my waters had broken a few days before (I just thought it was me getting a dodgy bladder)! Presenting twin was still breech, and also there were some cord issues, so was a c-section, and unfortunately we didn't get some of the gentle cesarean things I was hoping for, but after asking Brendon to distract me, I decided to focus on relaxed slow breathing instead, so he was told to be quiet. ;-) That was about 14 hours ago, and been happy/surprised/glad not to have felt any of the pain on standing/walking that I'd read about online! Hopefully a sign how things will progress. :-)

We're looking forward to getting them home and starting together as a proper family. :-) will send some pictures soon.

Thank you again for all the support :-)

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